The Ready From Birth Community is the fast lane for parents and caregivers on the journey to naturally potty train their babies from as early as birth -- and have them out of diapers by the time they are walking! From the early days of Elimination Communication to passing the baton to your newly walking toddler, this is your home for the guidance and accountability YOU need to stay consistent, ditch the diapers, and empower your baby's toilet independence to develop in line with their physical motor development.
If you've got a baby 0-18 months old and you're looking for a tried and tested alternative to YEARS of expensive, wasteful diapers and the stressful power struggle of "traditional" toddler potty training, natural infant potty training is for YOU! Here you'll learn EXACTLY what to do WHEN and how to do navigate the common challenges such as daycare, sickness, becoming mobile, travel, potty strikes and more!
This is not a journey you need to travel alone or struggle through with trial and error! This is your virtual playground on the internet...where all the other parents here get WHY you're pottying your baby and are excited to swap stories and advice!
Join me and other EC-practicing parents from around the globe navigating this journey alongside you -- and get ready to sail through every step of the process with ease so you can not just get started, but stay consistent, enjoy incredible connection with your baby without all the mess, and make the very most of these precious first years.
You ready? Let's do this!